Who knew studying abroad in Italy would look so good?
Yesterday afternoon a group that was supposed to be twenty students but grew to almost thirty met up for the "Perugia Nooks & Crannies Tour." Billed as "Wholly death-defying! Partially fun! Mildly fascinating!" the tour was short on facts but long on entertaining stories about Perugia and its past. "The truth should never get in the way of a good story," is the motto for the tour, lead by Umbra professor Zachary Nowak, who loves the fact that he can leave precision and historical accuracy behind in the classroom.
The itinerary included the main piazza, Corso Vannucci, the dungeon of the papal palace, the look-out point whence Sant'Ercolano launched his calves onto the Goths (black clothes, piercings, loud music), the former orphanage, the market, and the Fascist water-tower. Thrills, chills, and luckily no spills (despite walks down awkward steps). An encore presentation of the tour will be held this Sunday at noon (meet at the Fountain in the main piazza).