
In the Kitchen with Mauro!

In an era when most college students consider dining options based on what is offered on campus, the need to prepare meals in Perugia requires some skill in the kitchen. And not all students come to the Umbra Institute with culinary experience. Recognizing this predicament, staff members Mauro Renna and Dave Dickson - along with sous chefs Reid Williamson and Dave Wyman - led a cooking class for students. The meal consisted of two pasta dishes, a main course, dessert, and of course, wine. Instead of preparing food for the students, the chefs led an interactive course where students did all the chopping, cooking, and serving. And the most valuable lesson - students helped with the cleaning!

Il menu - primi: caserecce con sugo al basilica e penne lisce alla Norcina; secondo: tacchino in padella con pomodorini ciliegino e oregano; dolce: panettone; e vino rosso.