
Back to the Books

Last week Mary Danahy, Linda Moore, and Bethany O’Connell took a mini-bus down to the Perugia airport (one terminal, two check-in desks) and flew to London’s Stanstead airport (three terminals, about seventy check-in desks). Like Grand Tourists of centuries past, the ladies saw all there was to see: Big Ben, the London Eye, the Big Red Bus tour, and of course some of the City’s best pubs and best fish and chips. Yum. But that happy journey had to come to an end and, like all the rest of the Umbra Institute’s students, they have come back to Perugia to hit the books again. A consolation, though, is that the chilly weather has broken and Spring, if not quite upon us, seems around the corner. Sunny days on the cathedral’s Steps aren’t too far away!