
Singing in Italy

Singing opera at Stranieri Perugia

 Belonging to a choir composed of people from all over the world is a unique opportunity to take advantage of while in Perugia during your semester of study abroad.  Italy is famous for operas and if you are interested in singing or playing an instrument while in Perugia, Umbra has a partnership with the University for Foreigners which offers free weekly encounters where international students gather to practice and then perform free concerts every Tuesday.  Concerts are open to the general public, all are welcome!

Umbra also has a partnership with University for Foreigners: you can go through Umbra to take intensive Italian in Italy and get credit for your university.

[caption id="attachment_15588" align="aligncenter" width="278" caption="Umbra student Ryan Foley with Professor Ragni."]umbra institute student after concert[/caption]