
Leonardo DaVinci Field Trip

It was an intense and beautiful trip that took Umbra students from the little Perugian train station to the enormous one in Milan (with a stop-off in Florence). The subject of the trip was Leonardo DaVinci and Umbra’s own internationally renowned Leonardo expert Michael Kwakkelstein guided the students through all the genius of Leonardo. The whirlwind tour included six museums, from the Florence Uffizi to the Last Supper in Milan- students not only gazed at the masterpieces of art but also got the chance to play with wooden models at the Galleria di Leonardo. Even an unofficial fan club for the professor was created on Facebook by one of the students of the DaVinci class. Jen Keehner, the moderator, explained: “...with one look with those piercing blue eyes and a witty comment in that crazy accent, Michael makes all of our days (and lives) a little bit better.” ... “I think we can all agree that we experienced a life-changing event on our field trip to Florence and Milan.” Above: two moments of the field trip in Florence and Milan in different museums.