After several intensive and fun-filled months of community engagement, co-design, constructing, painting and plant preparation the first green installations and hanging planters will be positioned and celebrated along Via Fiorenzuola in the Borgo Bello neighborhood.
Join students from the ESUS 310: Urban Spaces Rebuilding Community in Perugia course as they celebrate another important step in the Borgo Bello Association and Umbra Institute’s collaborative efforts to bring new beauty, care and conviviality to this neighborhood’s lovely - but sometimes neglected - back lanes through active and effective community participation. Festivities will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, April 16th from 3 - 5:30pm on Via Fiorenzuola.
Come take a look … and (maybe) get a chance to plant a little living symbol of Umbra’s commitment to making Perugia a better place for all.