In all honesty, you could never have enough to spend while abroad! Making a budget can be difficult, and of course, the amount will depend on your daily lifestyle and how much travel you intend to do. We have estimated that the average student spends between $3,000 and $5,000 per semester while abroad. Still, some get by on much less, while others go through nearly twice that amount. We have approximated the amounts of what the average student should expect to spend for the 4-month semester program:
- Meals: approx. $1,200 (cooking at home can substantially lower this estimate)
- Textbooks: approx. $100 (depends on course enrollment)
- Course Lab Fees: approx. $500 (depends on course enrollment)
- Entertainment in Perugia: approx. $500
- Travel (local and international): $1,000
- Miscellaneous: $500-$1,000
Again, these are general approximations to help you with your decision. After your first month here, you will have a sense of how much you spend and can budget as needed.
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