For a few days after the official departure date there were still some Umbra students around Perugia: you'd see them having their last
panino con pollo at Ciao Ciao's, or on the Steps, soaking up some Umbrian thermonuclear radiation (sun). But now the group, having said their goodbyes at the Farewell Aperitivo at Eden, are all back in the States. It was a bittersweet end: most students were ready for enormous pizzas, potato chips with flavors, and 24 hour stores. Who will really miss the
pausa, the three-hour truce in commercial hostilities when all Italian shops close for lunch? Or will they miss it, along with
la dolce vita that they tasted here on this Umbrian hilltop town? Who knows. All we know is that while we miss Spring 2010, we're looking forward to the new group for Summer!