With a clap or five of thunder (Perugia is experiencing a strange bout of spring weather), the Umbra Institute's Summer 2013 session kicked off to a great start this weekend.
The recently-arrived Summer 2013 students smile from their velvet seats in the Santa Cecilia auditorium during Sunday evening's Safety and Academic Information Meeting.
Saturday, students from across the U.S. flew into Rome, where staff members met and accompanied them to Hotel Giò in Perugia. That evening, the students ate a delicious multi-course meal at the hotel before sleeping their jet lag away. Sunday morning saw the housing coordinator direct students to their new apartments before they took a practical walking tour of the city center, learning where to buy groceries, send mail, and go to class. Classes began this morning, officially starting the General Studies program.
The favorite Welcome Aperitivo will be held at il Birraio tomorrow night, so meet at 7:15 p.m. at the fountain to walk over together.