Did you ever wonder where coffee houses acquire the names for all those beverages with the double consonants? You guessed it, Italy! Although Italy does not actually grow the bitter red bean, Italians have no problem boasting the best coffee. When bringing this small matter to their attention, they reply that it is their coffee machines that process the ground to its finest contextual flavor.
Due to cultural differences, study abroad students often feel the pull of simple absences in their daily routines. Dependent on their American coffee-house chains, café grandes, and the typical heavier breakfasts, the morning routine may be one of the hardest to readjust for Americans. In Italy the morning breakfast norm is a simple pastry and a cappuccino, or an espresso (shot of strong coffee). But beyond those two, there is a myriad of other combinations of formed from the essential ingredients: ground coffee beans, hot water, and milk – not to mention lots of rules when to drink which one.
Last night at Caffè di Roma (led by Umbra staff member Paul Schiller) some students enjoyed un caffè all’italiana! Armed with their new vocabulary, they learned how to order like an Italian and which robust gusto they preferred.

There was also a short demonstration on how to use a caffetiere (the typical Italian stovetop coffee maker, and a curious-looking object that most students have in their own apartments) in order to make their daily bright-eye brew. The workshop also enlightened participants briefly on the subject of coffee’s absolutely non-banal history and history in Italy. If you want to know more, click here for a short essay on coffee.