HSIT 350: History and Culture of Food in Italy:
This past weekend was a busy one for the Food Studies & Sustainability Program students at Umbra. On Friday, October 30th, after various lectures revolving around the history of olive oil, and its many uses from lighting to cooking, students were given the opportunity to enjoy the first step in olive oil production – olive picking. During the harvest process, students learned about the two methods to olive picking, which yield the best results: manually raking the olives from the tree, the more historic method; and removing the olives with the help of machine equipment.
On Saturday, October 31st, the class met to hear from guest lecturer and EU Young Farmer President, Matteo Bartolini, in nearby Città di Castello. Through Umbra’s Food Studies & Sustainability Program, students learned about and discussed Italian truffles and the effects of global climate change on this unique Italian food tradition. Afterwards, students were invited on a truffle hunt, followed by a homemade lunch that allowed them to taste the results of their expedition.
HSWS 380 Saints and Sinners in Siena:
On Friday, October 30th, Professor Adrian Hoch led her
students through Siena, providing them with an optimal tour of the city’s primary historic locations and relics relative to historically Holy Women, including Saint Catherine of Siena, an important follower of Dominican doctrine. Students were led through the Duomo, the crypt, and the cathedral museum of Siena before visiting the Palazzo Pubblico, San Domenico, and the home of Saint Catherine.
HSEU 340: History and Politics of the European Union; and
PSEU 350: The European Union in the Global Economy
Students were asked to dress their best for last Friday’s trip to Rome where they visited the Camera dei Deputati, the Italian House of Representatives. Students were given a guided tour where they learned the history of the building, the functions completed in each section of the building, as well as the election process and the roles of the representatives in Italian and European government.
HSEU 340 students have been discussing the various phases of European integration and the history of fundamental rights within the EU.
PSEU 350 students have been discussing the Common Market of the EU, the Eurozone, the European Financial Crisis, and other similar topics.
This trip allowed both HSEU 340 and PSEU 350 students to get an inside look at the government of Italy and its supporting functions relative to EU political and financial bureaucracy.