Tuesday night saw the Umbra Art Studio transformed temporarily into the Umbra Art Gallery, where students of photography instructor Philippa Stannard showcased their finer black and white accomplishments of the semester. Students had the opportunity to discuss their work with those in attendance, while enjoying locally made torta al testo, an Umbrian flatbread with rucola and prosciutto on top. All in all, the affair proved a thoughtful and bright way to reflect on an unforgettable fall spent abroad.
Then Wednesday night students of Professor Cynthia Clough’s
creative nonfiction writing class presented some of their best essays that will be included in the Umbra Institute’s fifth literary anthology. From a small stage at Perugia’s Loop Café, to a crowd of more than fifty, students read pieces that ranged from amusing reflections on their relationships with food (“Ahh, gelato” was a frequent refrain) to ponderings of the meaning of this semester, and the meaning of their fast-approaching departure.The night was rounded out by Professor Clough herself, who (along with her dog Desireé), read some of her “Monteluco Musings” essays. Thanks and congratulations to all the students!