
Food Studies Program Featured by St. Bonaventure University

Students studying at the Umbra Institute Food Studies Program were highlighted in a recent SBU news article. The Food Studies program, a new initiative directed by Professor Zachary Nowak, was written up in an article on the Saint Bonaventure

It dealt specifically with the capstone trip in which all Food Studies participants take part, an overnight that brings students north to visit a salumificio (which makes Parma's famous prosciutto), a Parmesan cheese cooperative, and a well-known artigianal acetaio (which makes balsamic vinegar).

"For Teixeira, Wozniak and their fellow students at the Umbra Institute in Perugia, a central Italian city known for its chocolate and its 35,000 university students, the trip to the cheese cooperative was a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience. 'I was really surprised at the large amounts of food that could still be produced with a few workers and no huge factory,' said Wozniak. 'The whole trip was awesome.'"

The next step is a course on food ethics, which would take place in January and would be team-taught by Dr. Chiariello and Professor Nowak. Dr. Chiariello commented that such a class would “cover such topics as the responsibilities of the food industry; the moral dimensions of diet choices: a meat-based vs. plant-based diet; the environmental aspects of food production; factory farming; genetically modified food production; and, of course, our responsibility to the hungry of the world."

Interested in more information on the Food Studies Program or the Umbra Institute's Academic Programs? See some blog posts about it here.