
Italy’s Most Prestigious Newspaper Publishes the Work of Umbra Staff and Alumni

shameeshaCurrent Umbra staff member and Fall 2014 alumna, Ashley Webb, in collaboration with professor Antonella Valoroso and Spring 2016 alumna Shameesha Pryor, wrote Il matrimonio all’italiana visto da un’americana for Corriere della Sera’s La 27esima Ora. The article was published online, last night, by the most widely circulated news corporation in Italy, thanks to Professor Valoroso’s assistance and Italian translation.

The article was written after a social experiment the three conducted in Perugia, in an attempt to understand the cultural traditions behind the preparation and execution of an Italian wedding. For the experiment, Shemeesha posed “under-cover” as a bride-to-be and took in the experience of dress shopping in Italy alongside Professor Valoroso and Ashley. After an exciting and moving activity, Shameesha used her experience to complete her final research project for SOIT 360: Contemporary Italy: Culture, Society, and Trends; and Ashley wrote about the expectations of a bride versus the cultural impositions that are presented as boxes being placed on the shoulders of each bride-to-be.  

Click Here to read the original English text or read the article in Italian on La 27esima Ora.

Click here to read about Umbra’s Contemporary Italy course which inspired this social experiment.