Spring in Italy is a beautiful time of year, as mountaintops take on a lush green and warmth returns to the sea. In contrast, as Umbra embraces the onset of fall, our staff is excitedly processing applications as the first step toward welcoming Spring 2016 Students to the romanticized primavera italiana.
[caption id="attachment_30108" align="alignleft" width="212"]

Perugia in the Spring[/caption]
Umbra’s Assoc. Director of Marketing and Development, Mauro Renna is currently finishing up a tour of American Universities, where he has been presenting Umbra to various student bodies and personally answering any questions students might have. Meanwhile, back in Perugia, dedicated staff members are accepting emails, phone and Skype calls from both advisers and students who are preparing for next semester’s great adventure.
[caption id="attachment_30117" align="alignright" width="155"]

Mauro Renna at a U.S. Study Abroad Fair[/caption]
The Spring 2016 application deadline is rapidly approaching as Students have until October 15th to apply for Umbra’s upcoming General Studies Program or Direct Enrollment Opportunities.
Contact Umbra at [email protected] if you have any questions about the application process or experience.