It was a special event the other evening at Tandem—Italian karaoke night! Our American students studying abroad here in Italy were divided into groups and mixed with Italian students, and then had a fun competition. In the past month our students had learned some of the most famous Italian songs in class and this was the perfect occasion to show off their skills.
Third Place: Veni, Vidi Vici group with “Tuca Tuca” by Raffaella Carrà.
The "venduti" (sellouts!) sign is for the judges; it's what Italian soccer fans yell at referees when they feel that too many fouls have been called against their team.

Second Place: Le più belle ragazze group with “La Canzone del Sole”
First Place: The Foley Cinque group with “Still Believe” by Britney Spears (ok, we know this isn't an Italian song… but they won because they used a strong Italian accent when singing).