Walking around Perugia the average athlete, at first sight, would probably say something along the lines of, “How will I find a place to get/stay in shape?” And indeed, first impressions don’t do much for Perugia, unless you have no problems running on medieval cart-paths-turned-modern-roads that snake up, down, and all around the giant hill on top of which Perugia sits. But we would say, “Don’t despair!” There’s actually a wealth of places to train, practice, or get in shape right around the very next corner, even if you don’t notice them straight from the get-go…
If you’re looking for the classic, all-around gym, Perugia boasts the Corpus Wellness and FitnessClub. It’s large, airy, and stocked with state of the art equipment. CWFC also offers fitness classes, much like you might find at a gym State-side. Plus, they knock off a hefty chuck of the 4-month membership price (go on, discounts!) which helps a ton when you’re trying to stay on budget.

If, on the other hand, something a little bit smaller and personal suits your fancy, say, something reminiscent of a Chuck Norris training montage, you could check out Olympic Gym, tucked away on a quaint and quiet side street north of the city center. Like we said, it’s a tidge tinier than CWFC, but the personnel are totally welcoming, and theOlympic faithful are always a riot to watch, inevitably decked out in their designer clothes and outrageously priced sunglasses.
For those who can’t get enough fresh air, and for some reason—we can’t think why—have no desire to dodge Fiats on those aforementioned once-upon-a-time-cart-paths, take a two-minute walk or thirty-second run to the Olympic-sized Santa Giuliana Track. You hardly ever have to jockey for a lane, and as a bonus, there’s a nicely groomed field in the middle that just asks to be picnicked upon. The cost is €1.80. And if that €1.80 digs into your pockets too much, you can take the bus down to the Percorso Verde, which offers a long run under the shade of some lovely trees.