An Umbra alum on her return after her experience abroad in Italy creates a blog for her Global Interpersonal Communication class, to talk about her experience studying in Perugia, Italy and to help current and prospective students that make the decision to study here.
Here is her introduction to the blog:
" My name is Marie Galetto and I was a student at the Umbra Institute in the fall of 2011. Upon my return home, I took a course entitled Global Interpersonal Communication in which we discussed as a class the ways we succeeded and failed to be interculturally competent during our abroad experiences. This blog was an assignment for that class and combines much of the research and topics discussed over the course of the quarter.
Although it started as an assignment for the class, this blog has evolved into something more personal and meaningful for me. In this blog I share some of my experiences, struggles and growth that happened during my months abroad. I hope that this blog can help those who are considering Perugia as their study abroad destination. I

hope that it can be interesting for those who are currently living in Perugia to read about my experiences and see similarities and differences from theirown. I hope that this blog can also be enlightening for those who have already returned home because, for me, that was the part of my experience for which I was least prepared. I am still discovering new things about how my experience abroad has shaped me and I hope that this blog stimulates those who read it to do some reflecting of their own. Happy reading and happy traveling! "
Check her blog at: