The Tandem language exchange program continued this week with a special Valentine's Day celebration. The evening was celebrated in honor of San Valentino, a saint from the Umbrian town of Terni. Italian and American students came together to exchange written Valentine's messages and, of course, Baci chocolates from Perugia. The famous Baci candy means "kisses" and each one is wrapped with a love message written in several languages. "It was so great to see everyone smiling and having fun together," said staff member Mauro Renna. "It's great for us to see students improving their language skills and making friends at the same time."

Among the love notes there was a consistent message from Italian students: "Buon San Faustino ci affidiamo a te," which translates to "Good Saint Faustino (saint protector of singles) we trust in you."
The Tandem language exchange program will continue throughout the semester. The next meeting will be a special celebration of Carnevale in a local establishment.