“Laws are like sausages: those who like them should not see them being made.” So opined the nineteenth-century Prussian chancellor Otto von Bismarck. Despite this warning, an overbooked class of Umbra students handmade sausages last night. The class began with an introduction to sausages by Umbra staff member Zach Nowak. Nowak, who makes his own sausages and even prosciutto at h

ome, gave the students some historical background on sausages and their preservation before discussing some of the cultural differences between sausage ingredients in different countries.
The didactic part done, staff members Mauro Renna and Nowak directed as the students ground the meat, mixed in spices (including fresh orange zest), and filled the casings. The best part, of course, was the eating. Accompanied by sautéed sauerkraut, bell peppers, and onions, the students wolfed down a number of sausages each – judging by the empty plates and smiles, the workshop was a success!