Just in time for gorgeous spring weather, the kind people at the newly-renovated and -expanded San Francesco d'Assisi International Airport (also known as the Perugia airport) have decided to grace us with an enormous number of new destinations. Most of these will run until either the end of August or the end of October, depending on popularity:
- Barcelona, Spain

- London, England
- Brussels, Belgium
- Milan, Italy
- Trapani, Italy (Sicily)
- Calgary, Italy (Sardegna)
- Bergamo, Italy
- Olbia, Italy (Sardegna)
- Full List and Schedule: Translated into English -- Original Italian
The beauty of the Perugia airport is that it's fifteen minutes away by shuttle (navetta), which has the following fixed schedule:
From Perugia:
Departure Piazza Italia: 6.15-12.50-16.50
Departure Train Station: 6.30-13.00-17.05
Arrival Airporto: 6.45-13.30-17.25
Departures from Airport:
Departure: 14.40-17.50-21.50
Arrival Train Station.: 15.10-18.20-22.20
Arrival Perugia Piazza Italia: 15.15-18.30-22.30

It also has departures from Piazza Italia and from the airport that are timed to coincide with the flights. I've personally never waited more than 15 minutes for a shuttle after landing, but to check the departure times the best thing to do is to call their hotline (numero verde): 800 099 661. The best way to ask is "quando parte la navetta per l'aeroporto da Piazza Italia?" (When does the airport shuttle leave from Piazza Italia?)