
Intensive Italian and Chapman Students Arrive

This weekend, the Umbra Institute welcomed two new groups of summer 2012 students with a whirlwind orientation to Perugian life.

Friday, Chapman University and Intensive Italian students flew into Rome and took a bus with Umbra staff up to Perugia. After checking into their rooms at Hotel Giò, the groups mingled, exploring the city, and returned to the hotel just in time for a classic Italian four-course meal with Umbra staff and faculty.

Saturday found the students moving into their new apartments, renting cell phones, and finally sitting in plush green chairs in the Oratoria Santa Cecilia for an orientation meeting – made complete by Officer Michele Canneschi’s infamous safety talk.

Everyone continued to settle in and explore on Sunday. Addy – or Harry, according to Canneschi – led small groups of students on practical walking tours, pointing out necessities of Perugian life from the post office on Via Mazzini to the closest stop for the adorable Minimetrò to the secret bakeries on Via dei Priori.   

After this action-packed weekend, students are already in their first day of classes.

Buona lezione!