
Placemaking Class Project Featured in Italian Rai News Segment

Umbra Institute ESUS 310: Placemaking students attract media attention as they continue their work on the "Salotto con Vista" terrace project that began during the Fall 2015 semester. The terrace project was featured on Rai News’ “Buongiorno Regione Umbria” program on Friday, October 14th. We would like to congratulate professors Ray Lorenzo and Viviana Lorenzo, as well as their past and current Placemaking students for their contributions and hard work.

View the video below at 14:00 to see the segment that covers work on the terrace on Via del Cortone in Perugia, Italy.

Click here to read about the project in Luoghi Comuni’s article (in English), published in their online magazine during the Spring 2016 semester.

Click here to read more about the Borgo Bello Association that collaborates with Umbra students on Placemaking community projects in the Borgo Bello neighborhood of Perugia.