The student presentations and award ceremony for the Italian Language Program were held last night at the Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello Foundation. Students from various courses presented their work from this semester. Students in the Contemporary Italy: Culture and Society who participated in the progetto famiglia presented on their experiences with Italian families. Students in the Human Development and Culture class presented on their findings from their research in Italian schools on inculturization in Italian society. Finally, students in Comparative Global Business Cultures and International Marketing presented on their recommendations for the companies they visited.
The evening ended with the award from the Ranieri Foundation given to winner of a video contest. The winner was Julia Aronson from Duke University for her video on her trip to Venice. She was awarded a certificate and a cash prize.
In photos: Students in the Human Development class during their presentation, Julia Aronson and Francesco Burzacca, coordinator of the Italian Language Program