The Perugia through the Ages class spent a day in Assisi examining the role the city has played in the region's history. The trip was led by Professor Paola Chiurulla. "Both the church of Santa Chiara and San Francesco's basilica were exquisite with detailed structures and amazing religious artwork everywhere," said student Cobi Alberti (Chapman University). "In San Francesco's basilica we visited the sacred tomb of Saint Francis and looked in awe on the second level at the frescos depicting a

sequence of Biblical stories around the whole interior of the church. We also went underground where the ancient center of town is preserved, original stones and all." Several of the courses offered at the Umbra Institute utilize on-site visits as part of the curriculum.
In photos: the Church of Santa Chiara and the surrounding piazzas are covered with a thick fog in Assisi (photos by Cobi Alberti).