
Summer Students Explore the South!

The Amalfi Coast

This summer’s optional trip gave a select number of students an opportunity to discover certain parts along the coast southern Italy. For three days, Umbra staff led students around the breath-taking Amalfi Coast, including visits to Pompei, Sorrento, Capri, and Naples.

[caption id="attachment_29058" align="alignright" width="236"]vesuvio-summer-15-w-logo Mount Vesuvius[/caption]

Students walked the haunting streets of Pompei with expert guides who explained the historical significance of the preserved ruins of a once-bustling metropolis that was destroyed by the 79 AD Mount Vesuvius eruption.

The group then took a thrilling drive by private bus along the cliffs of the Amalfi Coast to their four star hotel in the seaside town of Sorrento. For two nights, they were treated to breakfasts and dinners overlooking the sunset on the sea.

[caption id="attachment_29060" align="alignleft" width="206"]Optional-Trip-Naples-Summer-15-w-logo Students enjoy Naples' monuments[/caption]

Saturday was a day for exploring the picturesque island of Capri, where students were able to soak up the sun, taste local lemons, take independent boat tours and swim in famous grottos.

The trip concluded with a guided tour of the city of Naples (Napoli), where students learned of the legend of the Egg Castle, soaked in views of the city from hilltop neighborhoods, walked through the streets and gallery of the historic center, and had a few hours to explore on their own. Most students were able to taste what is arguably the most famous and historic pizza in the world at the pizzeria Brandi.