Umbra inaugurated its new “season” of the Tandem language-exchange program with a double-header of mixer and aperitivo. The first part of the night’s program took place in Umbra’s Via Marzia facility, where American and Italian students met each other and broke up into groups where relaxed conversation drifted from Italian to Englilsh and back to Italian again, depending on the subject. After the mixer both groups of students were invited to a local restaurant, Eden, to eat an abundant before-dinner apertif, though students claimed that the abundant portions of spelt-salad, oven-roasted potatoes, prosciutto, and Umbrian cheeses and salami were plenty for their evening meal. The Tandem program will have its next meeting on Wednesday, January 30.
In photo: Umbra students gather for the first TANDEM language exchange program. In photo, at left, is visiting University of Perugia student and current Umbra intern, Marijana Gudelj.