Over sangria and snacks, more than 50 Italians and Americans bonded over linguistic and cultural quirks during Umbra’s third successful Tandem of the fall semester at il Birraio Wednesday evening.

Tandem is a semimonthly event that brings Umbra Institute students and local Italians together to practice their respective languages, compare cultural practices, and forge friendships in an informal setting. From the very beginner to the very advanced, the language ability varies for both the Italian and American participants, making for an ideal exchange.
“(Tandem) is a great opportunity to practice my Italian, meet people from around here, and learn what it’s actually like to be Italian and to be immersed in the culture,” said Umbra student Genoveffa Morway, a frequent attendee of Tandem.
While students may have initially clung to their newly-formed American friend groups during the first Tandem on Sept. 12, by Wednesday, they were confidently mingling with their new Italian associates, chatting about last weekend– many students went to Oktoberfest – and making plans for the future.
Due to October’s full schedule with mid-term exams and fall break, the next Tandem will be held at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 7 at il Birraio.