"Where can you find a turkey in Perugia?" This has been, at least twice, a question asked to the Umbra staff member on the emergency phone, but last night the answer was not "Macelleria Croce in Piazza Matteotti" but rather "Contrappunto." The local restaurant Contrappunto made heroic efforts to locate three turkeys (think www.google.it, tacchino umbria, "turkey Umbria"): they woke up in the nearby town of Deruta but ended up on a platter, along with Brussel sprouts, carrots in butter, green beans, and mashed potatoes. Not bad for a staff more used to making penne alla norcina or strangozzi al sugo! A large group of Umbra students had their Turkey Day dinner (and a healthy dose of tryptophan!), keeping the tradition alive even abroad!