
Tripfilms Student Video Contest

Tripfilms Video Contest for Umbra Students (click here) 

Share your amazing travel experiences with the world and you might win an iPod Nano and a travel filmmaking gig with We are looking for short travel videos, created and hosted by Umbra students. You are the “temporary locals,” so we want you to be the travel hosts—sharing a snippet of your daily life and weekend trips. Any type of video is welcome, from the streets you live on, where you shop, what you do for fun, your favorite restaurants, your experience speaking Italian to locals to even your evening jaunts around town.

The contest was organized by Umbra and an alum, Kelley Ferro, who is now a host, filmmaker and travel video producer with The grand prize is an iPod Nano, and there are several cash prizes and Amazon gift certificates as well. The contest begins January 11th, 2010, and runs until the end of the semester in April. It is open not only to current students but alumni as well. All are encouraged to participate -- when you upload, include the line in the description “Umbra Institute Student Travel Video Submission.” Multiple submissions are allowed so upload away! For more information email Kelley AT tripfilms DOT com with your questions.