
Umbra Professor Publishes Book

La Dolce Vista -- Philippa StannardUmbra Institute professor of photography Philippa Stannard has had shows with photographs taken all over the world, but she only recently turned her lens towards her adopted home, Perugia.

Stannard, in collaboration with her colleague Betty Press (from the University of Mississippi), just had a book of photographs published. The subject is Perugia, seen through the eyes of a foreigner who is a long-time resident.

“Recently Betty came to visit me and asked me if I’d ever taken pictures of Perugia. I realized that I hadn’t—oftentimes we don’t really see the places we live in,” Stannard said recently in an interview with the Corriere dell’Umbria, a Perugia daily. The book’s title, La dolce vista (The Sweet View) is a play on the Italian phrase “la dolce vita” (the sweet life).

The book is available at