
Umbra Professors Hold Photography Show at Local Theater

refuso-pettit-celaniUmbra professors Alessandro Celani and William Pettit will be holding an exhibition of their photography work at Teatro Morlacchi, November 23rd at 6 p.m. The two became friends through a shared interest in art and photography, in particular black and white photography. Celani approaches the medium as an historian, using the most sophisticated technical standards with his Leica M camera. Alternatively, Pettit approaches photography as a painter, and uses technology of the lowest level: traditional film and negatives with cheap Holgas and homemade pinhole cameras. A common voice is to be found in all their images: a poetic one, a nostalgic one, and also an astute one, at times quite formal.

The desire to prepare a joint exhibition arose over several cups of steaming hot coffee at the Café del Teatro Morlacchi. Celani and Pettit knew of another pair of photographers, Amato and Schoneveld whose formal, poetic work also shared parts of their vision. In a medium so much about time, their photographs, in black and white, pull between eternal and instantaneous; between luscious and barren.

To view this exhibition in a space so perfectly suited to its display, visit the Teatro Morlacchi on Novembre 23, beginning at 6 p.m.