
Umbra Strengthens Ties with US Embassy

The US Embassy in Rome announced that Anna Girolimetti, Director of Administrative Affairs at the Umbra Institute, will serve as a representative for the Embassy’s warden system. The warden system is a network of volunteers throughout Italy who agree to aid the Embassy in contacting members of the American community.

As a warden for the US Embassy, Girolimetti will maintain contact with Americans living, working, and studying in central Italy. The Umbria district is one of 54 zones throughout Italy. Girolimetti will be responsible for distributing messages from the US Embassy to the American community, especially in the case of an emergency.

“This is a wonderful service for the Americans in the area and for our students at the Umbra Institute,” said program director Dr. Charles Jarvis. “We are pleased to be able to connect with the American community in central Italy and to have a direct liaison with the US Embassy.”

Girolimetti has worked at the Umbra Institute since 2001 and serves as director of administrative affairs, registrar, and bursar. Born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, Girolimetti has lived in Italy since 1983.