As part of Umbra’s 3-credit INIT 350: Academic Internship and Seminar- Fair Trade elective course, students have the opportunity to apply intercultural communications skills and knowledge gained from the classroom into practical, field-based experience in fair trade. The course is divided into two key components- a seminar and an internship. The seminar, led by Professor Giordana Pulcini, is based on readings and classroom discussion which focus on the impact of fair trade on both local and global economies, its place within the global market, and the role of the World Fair Trade Organization. During the weekly internship, students meet at Monimbò, the local fair trade store, where they assist with store operations and events.
[caption id="attachment_24581" align="alignright" width="250"]

(From L to R) Mark Koussa, Jr., Milena Frenguelli (Monimbo Volunteer Coordinator), Ariel Stern, Prof. Giordna Pulcini, Sathvika Reddy, and Daniel Smith[/caption]
As part of this year’s internship, students are also actively participating in the organization, marketing, and coordinating of Altrocioccolato, an annual international Fair Trade chocolate festival. Marketing efforts include both local and international outreach and preparing promotional material and press releases in Italian and English. Umbra would like to thank Mark Koussa Jr., Daniel Smith, Ariel Stern and Sathvika Reddy for providing one of their recent articles, in both English and Italian, for inclusion here:
Altrocioccolato is a Fair Trade chocolate festival that will take place from October 18th to October 20th in Città di Castello (PG). If you like chocolate and you want to learn more about Fair Trade, you can’t miss Altrocioccolato. Thanks to its events and activities, Altrocioccolato continues to raise awareness of people working on Italian and international Fair Trade import projects, giving producers in developing countries the opportunity to present their products, issues, and personal projects.
During the festival, you will taste high-quality chocolate and can participate in many engaging activities: music, shows, pastry and chocolate making lessons, and much more! It is also a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends from all over the world. Free admittance! Contacts and info at
From the Umbra Institute: Walk towards Piazza Italia and take the escalators towards the main bus station in Piazza Partigiani. When you get off the escalators, cross the street and walk towards the direction of the roundabout with the sculpture of Garibaldi. When you arrive at the roundabout, cross Via Marconi and then cross Via Roma. At this point, you will be at Via Fiume. Walk down Via Fiume (the street curves slightly to the right). You will be able to see the station on your left. (The station is indicated with the letters “FCU” on the Umbra map).
Altrocioccolato e’ una festa del cioccolato equo e solidale che si svolgerà dal 18 al 20 ottobre a Citta’ di Castello (PG). Se ti piace il cioccolato, vuoi conoscere la realtà del commercio equo e solidale non puoi perdere Altrocioccolato. Attraverso eventi e iniziative, Altrocioccolato favorisce la conoscenza dei vari progetti di importazione del commercio equo e solidale, creando le condizioni per un suo sviluppo e allargamento e offrendo la possibilità ai produttori del Sud del Mondo di presentare i propri prodotti, i propri problemi, i propri progetti, il proprio lavoro.
Oltre a gustare dell’ottimo cioccolato potrai partecipare a molte attività: spettacoli teatrali, musica, laboratori di pasticceria e molto altro! E’ anche una grande opportunità per conoscere per sone e fare amicizia. Entrata libera! Vi aspettiamo! Informazioni e contatti su www.
Da Umbra Institute: Vai in Piazza Italia e prendi le scale mobili in direzione del bus terminal in Piazza Partiginiani. Quando esci dalle scale mobili, attraversa la strada (alla tua sinistra) e scendi in direzione della rotatoria. Quando arrivi all rotaria, attraversa prima Via Marconi e poi Via Roma. A questa punto, scendi per Via Fiume e fino a quando non vedi la stazione alla tua sinistra. (La stazione è indicata con le lettere “FCU” sulla mappa di Umbra).
Train Times: http:// public/resources/ orari/ferrovie/orari_ ferrovia_20130901. pdf