While some events have targeted international relations and political science communication studies, others have taken a more journalistic or business turn
Last night’s Corruption in the Media Workshop marked this spring’s final Umbra Voice event. The workshop was run in collaboration with Professor Marco Mazzoni, of the University of Perugia, who presented his research conducted with the European Union’s ANTICORRP project on Global Trends and European Responses to the Challenge of Corruption. Students were intrigued and participated in rigorous discussion as Prof. Mazzoni explained why tabloids are not as popular in Italy as they are in the UK or France, which words are most often associated with corruption in the media, and how media influences politics from one country to another. He also presented the CPI, Corruption Perception Index, as something based on cultural perception that does not always reflect a country’s sociopolitical reality.
Earlier this semester, The Umbra Voice collaborated with Umbra Professor Alberto Bitonti to host the Great European Disaster Movie film screening and a discussion on the future of the European Union.
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A representative from Radiophonica presents the role of WebRadio and WebTV in Italy[/caption]
While some events have targeting international relations and political science communication studies, others have taken a more journalistic or business turn. The first meeting of the semester presented the concept of Brand Journalism and the market for storytelling, while the second workshop invited locals from Radiophonica to present the role of WebRadio and WebTV in Italy. In addition, topics such as Writing for the Web and Gender in the Media were presented to students looking to spend their evenings learning about how Journalism and Communications topics are perceived in Italy.
Click here to read more from the Umbra Voice.