Since you are already in Italy studying abroad, why don't add a volunteer experience?
Umbra is excited to offer a special opportunity to study abroad students interested in volunteering with Monimbò, a local Fairtrade cooperative. Monimbò organizes a variety of cultural events, rallies, school awareness campaigns, and has a beautiful bottega in Perugia (near Piazza Italia in Via Bonazzi). Check out their website:
Student volunteers will learn about Fair Trade philosophy and products, interact with customers, help other volunteers with bottega operations, and/or assist with Fair Trade promotion and major seasonal events.
Last semester there was the Marcia della Pace (peace and human rights march between Perugia and Assisi), Altrocioccolato (a national Fairtrade chocolate festival), EquoperTutti (an international public awareness rally).
This qualifies Arcadia students for the CLC Certificate and the Community Engagement Certificate for other students.
Check out Umbra volunteering opportunities in Italy where you can also watch a video.