
Wine Tasting with a Twist!

Last night at Umbra's second wine tasting for the semester students tasted a whopping four different wines. 

The tasting began with a crisp Franciacorta sparkling white that was followed by two full-bodied reds and topped off by a sweet desert wine from Sardegna. With each wine, students tasted different types of finger foods--learning the art of how food and wine, combined correctly can bring out the best in each other. 

To add an unusual and fun twist to last night's tasting, our sommelier, Silvia Bartolini, brought ten jars filled with various spices and scents so that students could first smell the scents and then use them to try and identify the aromas in the bouquet of each wine.

After some discussion it was concluded that last night's reds were particularly peppery. Students agreed that they could smell white pepper, hints of cinnamon and nutmeg. One student remarked that his wine smelled like Christmas. Which was appropriate because last night's tasting was indeed, very merry! 

Alla vostra salute!